Given the generosity that they motivate between characters, love and friendship might seem to offer alternatives to the ugly emotions of prejudice, greed, and revenge on display in The Merchant of Venice. In addition, the play shows how strong the amicable ties are that connect all the various Venetian characters. In addition, numerous critics have suggested that the strongest friendship in the play-between Antonio and Bassanio-also approaches romantic love. Their marriage is paralleled by several others: the elopement of Shylock's daughter, Jessica, with the Christian, Lorenzo and the marriage of Portia's servant, Nerissa, to Bassanio's companion, Gratiano. The central romantic relationship of the play is that between Bassanio and Portia. The charms of friendship I admired, My soul was with new beauty fired I then made one in friendship's train, But destitute of love, complain.In connection with mercy and generosity, The Merchant of Venice also explores love and friendship between its characters. But friendship then, celestial maid, From heaven descended to my aid Less lively than the amorous flame, Although her tenderness the same. 'Twas thus those pleasures I lamented, Which I so oft in youth repented My soul replete with soft desire, Vainly regretted youthful fire. Will you forever from me fly, And must I joyless, friendless die? No mortal e'er resigns his breath I see, without a double death Who loves, and is beloved no more, His hapless fate may well deplore Life's loss may easily be borne, Of love bereft man is forlorn.

You sweet delusions of my mind, Still to my ruling passion kind, Which always brought a sure relief To life's accurst companion, grief.

Let sprightly youth its follies gay, Its follies amiable display Life to two moments is confined, Let one to wisdom be consigned.

From such austerity exact, Let's, if we can, some good extract Whose way of thinking with this age Suits not, can ne'er be deemed a sage. If you would have me love once more, The blissful age of love restore From wine's free joys, and lovers' cares, Relentless time, who no man spares, Urges me quickly to retire, And no more to such bliss aspire.